Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lagoon Day We loved it!

For a Christmas gift to Grant, Marc, Erin and Mia I gave them each a certificate for a day at Lagoon. This was Mia's first time and she wasn't sure what it was all about. But she soon got the hang of it; she waited in the lines and took her turn.
We all had a good time, the weather was pleasant and there wasn't a crowd of people...except for the train, that was our longest wait. This was a great idea, I may not do it next year (we may go to Disneyland) but I will do it again in the future.

The log ride...she wanted to go again, she loves getting wet. This was the only ride she got upset about not going on again...RIGHT NOW!

This was a scary dragon....

Is this one of your airplanes Grandma? She would only ride on the white with blue trim planes (yes that is what Grandma's planes look like and she enjoys sitting in them as well!

Hot Wheels...

With a little help from her friends....

Grandma push me pleeease!

I look so good...just sitting here!

After spending a day at Barb's Mia wanted to be like all the other kids, riding their vehicles.
Barb found a bike with training wheels that no one was using and gave it to Mia. She loves it
and does wonderfully well...backwards mostly. But she is getting the hang of it.

Feeding the ducks or Mia?

Walk this way....

Here duckie duckie!

MMM good sweet bread!

"Brown" ice cream

Everything tastes better with fingers

Mia loves "brown" ice cream! and for the most part, kept it in her mouth.